Company Licensing Information
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the District of Columbia Mortgage Dual Authority, License # MLB71158.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Delaware, License # 6595.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Florida, License # MLD775.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Georgia, GRMA License # 56428.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Maryland, License # 11755.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of North Carolina, License # L-109313.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance. (The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance does not issue license numbers).
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Pennsylvania, License # 34375.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of South Carolina, License # MLS-71158.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of Tennessee, License #121279.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the state of Virginia, License MC-1206.
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is licensed in the State of West Virginia, License # MB-31852 and License # 30985
Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. Discrimination in mortgage lending is prohibited by the federal Fair Housing Act and HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity actively enforces those provisions of the law. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to engage in the following practices based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap (disability):
- Refuse to make a mortgage loan
- Refuse to provide information regarding loans
- Impose different terms or conditions on a loan, such as different interest rates, points, or fees
Discriminate in appraising property - Refuse to purchase a loan or set different terms or conditions for purchasing a loan
Filing a Complaint
If you have experienced any one of the above actions, you may be the victim of discrimination. Recognizing the signs of lending discrimination is the first step in filing a complaint. HUD investigates your complaints at no cost to you. If you believe you have experienced lending discrimination, visit our housing discrimination complaint website to learn more about the complaint process.
The federal agency that administers these laws is the Federal Trade Commission, Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, DC, 20580.
Tidewater Mortgage Services Inc.

Corporate Headquarters
NMLS # 71158
Branch NMLS # 71158
(click links above to confirm licensing information)
Direct: 757-498-7400
Fax: 757-498-7435
Virginia Beach, VA 23452