
How To Entice A Buyer via Text Message

Text messages, just as cell phones, have become a ubiquitous part of our every day life and have even begun to infiltrate our business dealings on a regular basis. Texts are serving an even greater purpose in many fields where personal one-to-one communication is required to close deals and real estate is no exception.

There are, of course, right and wrong ways to leverage text messages, but here are some ways to entice a potential buyer via text.

1. Build Rapport, Then Text

Texting is often considered the #2 preferred method for contacting a potential buyer but requires that a relationship be established beforehand. If you’re looking to leverage text messages as a way to entice potential buyers and close more sales, you must build a rapport and a relationship with your buyers before pounding out texts to them.

Give your leads a call before you get into a texting relationship. If the call goes to voicemail, a text is as good as leaving a voice message and will likely be seen sooner and appropriate a quicker response.

2. Avoid Cold Texts

Cold texts, much like cold calls, may be unwelcome to an unsuspecting buyer but could be a great gateway into a buyer-seller relationship if a lead has already been established. Give your leads an opportunity to opt-in to communication either through your website, social media, or contacting you directly.

Once a lead, feel free to make contact. A simple greeting followed by a quick question about their home search is a perfect introduction. Additionally, that first text creates a clean line of communication directly back to you.

3. Get Personal(ized)

We live in a day where spam texts and promotional texts run rampant, and the last thing you want your leads to think is that you’re just another spambot trying to steal their identity. To avoid this (and potentially getting blocked) personalize the message.

Obviously, include the buyer’s first name and ask if they are interested in any specific neighborhoods, listings, or even reference a listing they’ve browsed on your website (if you have that data). This added step of personal touch will prove your thoroughness and diligence to work hard for a potential client.

4. Be Patient

Lead nurturing isn’t exactly an act of instant gratification when it comes to reeling in clients, so be patient with your efforts. This goes especially for trying out text messaging as a sales tool for the first time: it may take a few tries to get the hang of how to deliver yourself, your listings, and approach your clients.

Nevertheless, don’t let patience become passive. Even if you feel that your efforts may be falling on deaf ears, don’t let a hot lead go cold. If nothing else, get back to the phones. After all, the only thing you need is a chance and you can shine as a realtor!

5. ABC: Always Be Closing

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