
Keeping Your Pipeline Full During the Holiday Season

As the holidays roll around and things begin to slow to a crawl in many industries and businesses across the country, real estate agents seem to suffer more than most other businesspeople.  Just because things tend to slow down doesn’t mean they stop altogether, and the holiday season can give you a great opportunity to sneak in a few last-minute sales and get a jump on the year to come.

Don’t let the slow part of the season bring you down.  Better yet, use it to your advantage to make some headway while your competition sips seasonally-flavored name brand lattes.  Here’s how to keep your pipeline full during the holiday season.

Dust Off Your Listings

The fourth quarter of any year will see a gradual downtick in real estate extending into the early months of the following year.  This downtick in activity can also mean that your listings get a little stale and dusty along with it.  This is a perfect time to revisit some of your fall and winter listings.

Update anything that may have changed or consider taking some fall photos that highlight certain parts of the home.  A lot of things can happen and change as sellers wish to offload their homes during off months which can mean tweaking or adjusting listings to make them more appealing to buyers.  While this doesn’t necessarily keep your pipeline filled, it may very well boost your sales during the slow season.

Roll Through Your Rolodex

The holidays are a good time to make a run through your Rolodex and make it a point to contact your past clients as well as potential leads that may have fallen through the cracks.  Many Americans will use the holiday season to set personal and financial goals during the year, and if you make contact during this period, you may catch an unsuspecting lead planning to buy a home in 2020.

Another advantage of flipping through your contacts list is to preemptively fill your pipeline for the following year.  Making contact during the down season will give you the upper hand for the spring and summer selling which can easily jumpstart your 2020 year.

Promote Listings on Social Media

Social media begins to buzz during the holidays as users share their holiday adventures, crafts, and family photos.  More regular social media users mean more opportunities to promote your listings and generate leads on social media.

Once you’ve spent some time updating your listings and getting everything current, publish those listings if you haven’t already on social media and consider spending some of your marketing dollars to promote some of your posts.  Promoted posts are generally inexpensive, can majorly boost your Facebook or social media likes, and give you a great pipeline of prospective clients for your holiday season.

Get Prepped for Financing

Just because you’ve got a full pipeline during the holidays doesn’t necessarily mean you and your clients are ready to close on a home.  Get a head start on closing your sales by getting your clients in touch with the loan experts at Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc.  Tidewater’s experienced loan officers have over two decades of experience helping agents and clients close deals and sell more homes.  Talk to a loan officer today!


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