
Planning The Perfect Pop-by

As a real estate agent, you’re always looking to keep yourself and your agency top of mind with current and potential customers.  Perhaps you’ve been using the pop-by method for a long time or maybe it’s a new concept to you.  Whether you’re a pop-by veteran or a rookie, there are certainly some things you should keep in mind to make your pop-bys as effective and impactful as possible.

Here are some of our tips for planning the perfect pop-by.

What is a Pop-by Anyway?

A pop-by is fairly self-explanatory, but if you’re unfamiliar with the term it may seem foreign.  Basically, a pop-by is a method of visiting your current or potential clients with little or no notice.  Consider it a “surprise visit” with the potential of an added perk for your clients in the form of a gift or calling card of sorts.

You don’t necessarily need a reason to visit your clients, but having at the very least a bit of an agenda and idea of your purpose goes a long way.  That can include something as simple as a small gift with an invitation to an open house, a gift card, or just a friendly “hello”.

Consider Who Your Audience Is

The most important aspect of planning the perfect pop-by is to consider who your audience is.  Is your client a current client, potential client, business partner, or do you have an entirely different relationship altogether?  The relationship you have with your “pop-by person” will heavily dictate your approach.

For current clients who have used you in the past for real estate, then consider a warmer approach just to remind them that you’re thinking of them.  For potential clients, be softer but more incentive-based.  Consider a gift card or an invitation to an open house that may be a perfect fit.  Just remember, there are hundreds of different approaches for different clients.

Think of the What and the Why

As we’ve already mentioned it’s important, once you’ve established who you’re going to visit for your pop-by, to really evaluate the what and why of your visit.  While many of your clients will likely be happy to see you, if you don’t put some purpose behind your visit, you may very well be wasting your time and their time.

In the end, your goal is to either network for future business or generate leads for your current business.  In either case, you’ll want to have a product in your pocket so-to-speak in order to entice your clients to take action.  If you’re hosting an open house, then invite those clients who may be interested in the listing.  On the other hand, maybe you’re just hosting a local mixer for businesses or potential clients.

No matter your “product” in hand, make sure you know what it is and just how you plan on delivering it.

Plan an Event

Hosting an event is probably one of the best reasons to pop-by, and if your event is something of a local “soiree”, it could be appealing to a wide variety of potential clients and business partners.

Use your connections to host an elegant open house with hors d’oeuvres, beverages, and potentially some entertainment.  If you have a big listing, this could easily be an “A-list event” where you invite some of your biggest clients.  Additionally, to boost your networking, think about hosting a local mixer with businesses, clients, and the like where not only you can pop-by to invite them, but they can pop-by to see you.

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